Acetyl- L- Carnitine HCI 220 mg
Acetyl- L- carnitine HCL is a mitochondrial-boosting supplement that has been shown to improve mood, learning, and memory. It is considered to be an anti-aging nootropic that helps boost brain performance. Acetyl- L- carnitine HCL may also help muscle mitochondria burn fat, which can increase endurance and improve post-exertion recovery time.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid 215 mg
Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) helps cells make energy. Humans only naturally produce ALA in small amounts, making supplementation important. Alpha-lipoic acid is a fat- and water-soluble compound with antioxidant properties that has been shown to:
- Support healthy glucose levels*
- Improve insulin sensitivity*
- Reduce inflammation*
- Slow skin aging and improve nerve function*
Phosphatidylcholine 200 mg
Phosphatidylcholine, part of a class of phospholipids, has traditionally been used to support brain health and cognitive function. Phosphatidylcholine has been shown to:
- Increase the neurotransmitter in the brain*
- Help strengthen cellular structure in brain cells*
- Support liver function and keep cholesterol levels in check*
Ginkgo Biloba 120 mg
A tree native to China, research shows Ginko biloba improves cognitive function by promoting normal blood circulation in the brain and protecting against neuronal damage. Ginko biloba has been shown to:
- Support blood circulation in the eyes and heart*
- Have powerful antioxidant properties*
- Fight inflammation*
- Improve brain function*
- Support memory and cognitive-processing speed*
- Improve mood*
Phosphatidylserine 100 mg
Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid and a component of the cell membrane. As a supplement, phosphatidylserine has been shown to:
- Help strengthen cellular structure in brain cells*
- Support neuronal membrane function*
Ginger 50 mg
Ginger has been shown to support healthy inflammatory response, circulation, and nitric oxide production in the body. In formulations, ginger is often used for its synergistic properties, to amplify the effects of other ingredients.*
Toothed Clubmoss (with 1% Huperzine A) 20 mg
Toothed clubmoss, containing 1% Huperzine A (200 mcg), is a nootropic ingredient used to support memory performance and other cognitive functions. Huperzine A has been shown to be an acetyl cholineesterase inhibitor. (Acetyl choline is a chemical used by the nervous system to communicate with the brain, muscles and other areas of the body. Acetyl choline-esterase degrades acetyl choline. Huperzine A restores acetyle choline balance by inhibiting the effects of acetyl choline-esterase.)*
Vinpocetine 20 mg
Vinpocetine is a modified alkaloid that closely resembles periwinkle plant extract. Vinpocetine has been shown to:
- Support blood circulation, oxygen delivery, and memory*
- Support glucose metabolism in brain*
- Protect the nervous system from reactive oxygen species (ROS)*