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Key Formula Benefits: ReCODE Protocol Type 5 Traumatic includes nutrients and herbs that may promote healthy cognition and memory and provide nourishment for the nervous system. It has been speciallyformulated to provide support for individuals on the Bredesen Protocol who have been identified as Type 5 Traumatic on the ReCODE Report.


ReCODE Protocol Type 5  Traumatic:

- Improves circulation to the brain*

- Supports memory function and recall*

- Supports normal neurotransmitter function*

- Protects against free radical damage*

ReCODE: Type 5 - Traumatic

SKU: 0853760002827
Excluding Sales Tax
Price Options
One-time purchase
ReCODE Autorenew
$59.00every month until canceled
  • No returns or refunds permitted.

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