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Writer's pictureeboehmer

What to Eat

Dr. David Katz is one of the most respected physicians in the nutrition world. This blog post by him is simple yet full of the best nutrition advice. A great summary of how to eat for better health. Here is an excerpt:

"The transgressions of nutrition scientists — some intentional, many not — are then compounded by an unholy host of others. Prominent ideologues who have built careers defending just one point of view — the evils of dietary fat or carbohydrates, for instance, or the primacy of insulin over calories in weight gain — will practice extreme confirmation bias, such as finding support for only the conclusions they’ve already reached, even when preaching of its dangers.

Mainstream media thrive by buffeting us among mutually exclusive dietary recommendations, feeding voraciously on pseudo-confusion about food. Diet angst is their bread and butter.

Scientists’ extreme point of view combined with media’s one-note reporting foments the notion that any one study, however inconsequential, is cause to rethink the entire sum of accumulated knowledge about nutrition. This is anathema to science, which builds incrementally. It is anathema to understanding, which evolves. Where sound bites, clickbait, short attention spans and ever-tighter news cycles collide with biomedical science, we wind up with a roiling mess.

Finally, there is us. We watch get-rich-quick schemes on old sitcom reruns, and laugh at the folly of suckers, but offer us get-thin-quick, get-healthy-quick, or reverse aging with this week’s version of dietary magic, and we go into a trance and reach for our credit cards."

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