NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) is a synthetic modification of the amino acid cysteine. Cysteine is found in food, but NAC is not. When administered, NAC is converted to glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that can be depleted easily when the body is significantly stressed. Glutathione is an important substrate for detoxification of various toxins, as well. It is regularly used to treat acetaminophen overdoses in the hospital.
NAC has been reported to be a beneficial supplement in multiple disease processes, but the studies are small or few. However, given the benefit noted in preliminary studies, it deserves further research. The following is a list of potential uses:
PCOS-related infertility
Dry eyes from Sjogren's syndrome
Impulsive behaviors, including OCD and trichotillomania
We use NAC in the hospital in an inhaled mist to loosen bronchial secretions in severe cases of bronchitis and COPD. It makes mucous less viscous, allowing secretions to be cleared easily. This might prove important in COVID-19 patients, but as far as I can tell has not been tested yet, although a rapid review of NAC's use intravenously in other situations of ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) was recently published.
Most suggestive that NAC may play a role in treating COVID-19 is the many studies that demonstrate that when NAC is taken orally, on a daily basis during the flu and cold season, it is effective at shortening the duration of and decreasing the severity of the symptoms of these diseases when compared to placebo. How NAC mediated these effects is not known, but certain aspects of the immune system that specifically target viral infections seem to be enhanced by NAC.
NAC is "generally recognized as safe" and no side effects or adverse incidents have been reported with its use, although, it potentiates nitroglycerin and should not be used in patients taking nitroglycerin-based medications (some patients with cardiac conditions). The dosage in the viral studies was around 600 mg daily, and that is the amount I am taking prophylactically this season. A safe and inexpensive brand that is available in most health-food stores is NOW.
Tomorrow, I will try to get to Zinc. Of course, this post today comes about two months since I promised it!