My city is currently a hotspot for COVID-19, and I anticipate that these last two weeks are just the beginning of two months of tragedy for Sheboygan. Our hospitals are near capacity and are already shipping out some of our more severely affected patients. Our citizens are polarized on the mask and physical-distancing issues and I expect that won't change any time soon. So, this post comes with not a little impetus.
My original intent in writing about supplements was to present the available evidence for the best supplements for COVID-19 infection. However, life keeps me from writing as prolifically as I'd like. Still, I am now having to repeat my recommendations often enough that getting this out there (in a post) for people to read on their own is both timely and time-saving. So, I'll forego my presentation of the remaining evidence and just get to the summary guidelines that I think are best chance for faring well if you get infected. First . . .
Before you get sick . . . support a healthy immune system
Get regular exercise, even if it is only walking. Aim for at least 30 minutes a day.
Eat the entire rainbow of colors in fruits and vegetables EVERY day.
Practice meditation or contemplative prayer daily.
Get regularly scheduled sleep, at least 7 hours a day.
Take Vitamin D 1000 IU daily. It's fall/winter; if you live as far north as I do, you should be on Vitamin D. Ideally you would be able to check your levels with your doctor and adjust your dose up if that is not enough (gut dysbiosis can affect absorption), but most insurance won't pay for the test. Take your supplement with a meal
Take ~30mg of Zinc daily.
Take fish or algae oil to get 1000mg of EPA + DHA. If your supplement doesn't list how much EPA and DHA is in it, it is not a good supplement. Beware of cheaper brands that might have mercury and other heavy metal contaminants. (I prefer Nordic Naturals, because it is in the triglyceride form.) This is unnecessary if you consume salmon, mackerel, sardines or other cold-water, oily fish three or more times a week. Do NOT eat this much tuna (the omega-3s are good, but they are heavily contaminated).
Take N-acetyl Cysteine (NAC), 600mg daily.
Avoid all sugar and refined carbohydrates.
As soon as you start feeling sick or develop symptoms . . . boost your immune system
Increase your NAC to 600mg twice daily
Increase Zinc to 15mg every 2-3 hours you are awake (lower dose more frequently) for 2-3 days (don't stay at this higher dose after that; go back to the lower dose for prevention). There are popular brands of zinc-elderberry lozenges that have this dosing.
Consider adding Echinacea and Elderberry; evidence is limited, but they are generally recognized as safe and both have some (poor quality) evidence of immune-boosting potential
Consider taking frequent doses of Vitamin C.
Get tested for COVID-19 (and, now, influenza) and quarantine until you have your results. Don't think you should just push through this; you then risk contaminating others.
The above doses can be cut in half for kids. If you are on medications, check with your doctor before taking any supplements. Stay healthy and be well!