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Fish Oil for Dementia

Updated: May 6, 2019

As a family physician who works with patients across the entire age spectrum, I'm frequently asked to manage family members with various forms of dementia. Dementia is devastating for the patients and their families and friends. Physicians frequently feel pressure to "do something," and almost as frequently we reach into our pharmaceutical bags to prescribe medicines. Unfortunately, the medicines we have at our disposal don't work and cost a lot. But we prescribe them anyway because then we feel like we're doings something.

Until recently, that was the sad state of the situation. What most physicians are unaware of is that the science of aging has made some interesting discoveries. Dr. Dale Bredesen has been significant in demonstrating how lifestyle and nutritional changes CAN influence the outcome of Alzheimer-type dementias. His case reports of improvement in cognitive function after initiating personalized nutritional modifications/supplementation has been encouraging for those of us waiting for something to do for these people. He has even written a book to help navigate this sometimes overwhelming approach. However, apart from anecdotes, we were also hoping for stronger scientific evidence. A recent study is encouraging.

Published last month in The Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, the study evaluates the role of certain B vitamins and decosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on memory. It analyzed 117 Alzheimer's patients treated with high doses of DHA or placebo over a six month period. Remarkably, those with adequate Vitamin B levels had clinically and statistically significant improvement. They demonstrated a 7.1% improvement on a popular test to screen for cognitive decline (MMSE) and an overall 22% decline in clinical indicators of dementia (using CDRsob). The medicines we typically prescribe for Alzheimer's cannot boast anything so robust, but cost our health system significantly more! In an earlier study, the same group showed that Vitamin B supplementation was also helpful, but only in those with higher levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and DHA to begin with. Since B vitamins are necessary for phosphatidylcholine formation, and phosphatidylcholine is necessary to transport EPA and DHA to the brain, it makes sense that these essential nutrients work synergistically for brain health.

Among the differences between this study and earlier studies that do not show improvement with omega-3 supplementation are the high dosage of DHA and the combination with appropriate B vitamin levels. In addition, many earlier studies do show similar effects when omega-3 supplementation begins decades before the typical age of Alzheimer's onset. More research needs to be done, but this is promising, to say the least.

DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid naturally found in fish oil and algae. It is a major component of the brain and nervous tissue and is important for proper brain, eye and mood functioning. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is severely deficient in omega-3s in general, including DHA. Deficiencies are known to cause various nervous system and mood disorders, whereas supplementation at appropriate doses has been shown to improve mood and nervous system function.

When I read this recent article, I immediately began stocking a DHA-intensive supplement. To approximate the dose shown to work in the study, one would need to take 3 softgels of this product. If you are considering supplementing with omega-3s for nervous system health and maintenance, work with your family physician to determine if you also need Vitamin B supplementation. This can be determined with a simple blood test.

Take Away

  • DHA, and less-significantly EPA, are omega-3 fatty acids essential for proper brain functioning.

  • DHA has been shown to prevent and treat Alzheimer's Disease and its precursor--Mild Cognitive Impairment--as well as some symptoms of the more generic Age-Related Cognitive Decline.

  • Getting a high enough dose of quality DHA is critical to realizing these benefits.

  • ProDHA 1000 is a convenient way to get this necessary dose with as few as three capsules daily. Get it here.

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