This has to be brief because I'm quite busy right now. I hope to do a quick video that deals with mRNA vaccines soon. At the moment, however, I'm more interested in responding to another conspiracy theory that I just saw on FB. I'm sure I should have expected it, but sometimes it's hard to consider EVERYTHING that people who are not trained in these fields might think.
The person who posted said that she heard from an ER doctor that the mRNA vaccine technology had not been tested in humans before being used for COVID-19 because it had proved lethal in animal models. The claim specifically attests that animals given mRNA vaccines died when challenged with the actual virus. This is absolutely false.
First, hearing from an ER doctor, if true, is not a source to trust. ER doctors are experts in emergency medicine (and should be trusted with those issues), not immunology, epidemiology, or virology. Trusted sources of authority should be experts in their respective fields. This is going to be the best resource for lay-people (all those who are NOT expert in those fields of study).
Second, the best bet for those who have training in how to read scientific literature and statistics is going to be the actual literature itself. So, for those who want to see how absurd are the claims this FB post put out, I have provided links for the very first five (of many) papers in my PubMed search for "mRNA vaccine animal trial." I've provided a 6th that was further down the list, but was so fantastic I had to include it (an mRNA vaccine for Ebola was 100% protective--had 100% survival--in guinea pigs subsequently infected with Ebola--while the placebo group had 100% mortality).
Mice are protected from rabies infection with liposomal mRNA vaccine. ("protected" means the didn't get the infection, let alone die)